MODULE 1 – How To Boost Your Mindset & Belief System To Close Sales
MODULE 2 – 3 Keys To Become An Effective And Productive Salesperson
MODULE 3 – How To Prove Your Value & Get Paid The Price You Want
MODULE 4 – Building Your Credibility With Prospects
The videos are very engaging and straight to the point; making it easier to understand and complete the course very easily. The videos also highlight key points for you to quickly retain the knowledge gained. You have access to these video lessons for 1 YEAR
Each module comes with learning aids to make your experience practical enough to move what you learn beyond the classroom to the field.
Each module comes with assessment worksheets to test your level of knowledge gained from the course and to test your ability to use the knowledge gained in practical scenarios. BONUSES Techniques To Exceed Crazy Sales Targets In The Nigerian Market (Ebook) Secrets To Overcome The Fear Of Rejection (Audio Program) + 14 page full colour Workbook + 26 page full colour Transcript Secrets To Overcome The Fear Of Selling (Email Course)